3422 rank

45,135,499 points

16,789 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Art Dent    StoneDragons
Arvahall 3306 Art Dent StoneDragons 81,407,696 26,377
Art Dent    VacationParking
Fel Dranghyr 3087 Art Dent VacationParking 63,155,782 23,877
Art Dent    EZ Traders
Noarsil 3422 Art Dent EZ Traders 45,135,499 16,789
Art Dent    Elder Realms
Odhrorvar 3711 Art Dent Elder Realms 36,189,398 15,467
Art Dent    LEOFWINE
Jaims 3925 Art Dent LEOFWINE 33,031,893 10,768
Art Dent    Prestige
Brisgard 4580 Art Dent Prestige 32,855,294 13,020
Art Dent    Hoth Echo Base
Houndsmoor 5097 Art Dent Hoth Echo Base 21,543,735 7,859
Art Dent    The 300D
Greifental 5176 Art Dent The 300D 18,444,064 7,778
Art Dent    The Good Fight
Angkor 5664 Art Dent The Good Fight 7,665,918 8,269