9356 rank

1,350,696 points

1,681 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Tuulech 6118 Belinus 755 the Daring 7,896,050 5,077
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Jaims 9550 Belinus 755 the Daring 1,607,231 1,723
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Noarsil 9356 Belinus 755 the Daring 1,350,696 1,681
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Odhrorvar 9500 Belinus 755 the Daring 1,197,611 1,454
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Parkog 9784 Belinus 755 the Daring 963,462 1,252
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Sinerania 10317 Belinus 755 the Daring 802,612 1,155
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Greifental 11553 Belinus 755 the Daring 675,286 1,171
Belinus 755 the Daring   
Carthage 6605 Belinus 755 the Daring 455,740 1,640