10498 rank

769,340 points

553 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MAurelius2    The United Empires
Korch 10415 MAurelius2 The United Empires 1,009,102 702
Uceria 10320 MAurelius2 878,940 816
MAurelius2    The Unpolished
Houndsmoor 11764 MAurelius2 The Unpolished 877,303 601
MAurelius2    Fire&Flame
Mount Killmore 12403 MAurelius2 Fire&Flame 796,714 644
MAurelius2    This-is-Sparta
Noarsil 10498 MAurelius2 This-is-Sparta 769,340 553
MAurelius2    War Horse
Odhrorvar 11478 MAurelius2 War Horse 456,050 507