15468 rank

78,651 points

101 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
retiredand lovingit    pergatory
Vingrid 11966 retiredand lovingit pergatory 433,857 330
retiredand lovingit    Prestige Worldwide
Noarsil 15468 retiredand lovingit Prestige Worldwide 78,651 101
retiredand lovingit    Stag Patronus
Fel Dranghyr 17468 retiredand lovingit Stag Patronus 61,610 108
retiredand lovingit   
Korch 17304 retiredand lovingit 54,224 90
retiredand lovingit    The Blue Moon
Greifental 17701 retiredand lovingit The Blue Moon 44,813 81