112 rank

1,822,446,103 points

451,370 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bobthepirate    Pirate Haven
Noarsil 112 Bobthepirate Pirate Haven 1,822,446,103 451,370
Bobthepirate    Warriors of Chaos
Odhrorvar 3474 Bobthepirate Warriors of Chaos 41,937,390 20,047
Bobthepirate    StoneDragons
Arvahall 6219 Bobthepirate StoneDragons 20,712,470 22,041
Bobthepirate    You Be You
East-Nagach 6452 Bobthepirate You Be You 11,663,751 10,048
Bobthepirate    💎 DÄ°AMOND FARMERS
Tuulech 5979 Bobthepirate 💎 DİAMOND FARMERS 9,049,338 9,106
Bobthepirate    ToInfinity&Beyond
Angkor 5701 Bobthepirate ToInfinity&Beyond 7,539,221 2,846