3801 rank

35,958,078 points

14,586 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Blood Countess   
Arvahall 3254 The Blood Countess 83,560,485 20,013
The Blood Countess   
East-Nagach 3584 The Blood Countess 50,533,331 18,234
The Blood Countess   
Cirgard 3520 The Blood Countess 48,390,021 16,578
The Blood Countess   
Dunarsund 4199 The Blood Countess 36,969,880 19,495
The Blood Countess   
Noarsil 3801 The Blood Countess 35,958,078 14,586
The Blood Countess   
Yorkton 6780 The Blood Countess 5,605,587 9,375