2232 rank

92,680,234 points

15,164 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Christabelle the Sweet    Together We Rise
Walstrand 894 Christabelle the Sweet Together We Rise 269,989,077 31,693
Christabelle the Sweet   
Noarsil 2232 Christabelle the Sweet 92,680,234 15,164
Christabelle the Sweet    Legends of Xyr
Xyr 2360 Christabelle the Sweet Legends of Xyr 70,289,683 10,881
Christabelle the Sweet    United We Stand
Zorskog 3603 Christabelle the Sweet United We Stand 23,607,665 6,651
Christabelle the Sweet    Druids of Gaul
Qunrir 4578 Christabelle the Sweet Druids of Gaul 20,590,426 6,006