3047 rank

54,596,374 points

50,468 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Foh Shizzle My Nizzle    The Rising Sun ☀️
Noarsil 3047 Foh Shizzle My Nizzle The Rising Sun ☀️ 54,596,374 50,468
Foh Shizzle My Nizzle    ChristianCrusaders🌟
Brisgard 4498 Foh Shizzle My Nizzle ChristianCrusaders🌟 32,848,032 35,241
Foh Shizzle My Nizzle    Time Travelers
Xyr 4454 Foh Shizzle My Nizzle Time Travelers 21,490,224 23,017
Foh Shizzle My Nizzle   
Yorkton 7688 Foh Shizzle My Nizzle 3,305,390 9,411