387 rank

789,812,865 points

119,898 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
robyxhaus    Furious Exiles
Parkog 107 robyxhaus Furious Exiles 1,695,988,486 344,322
robyxhaus    Odds and Ends
Arvahall 387 robyxhaus Odds and Ends 965,418,778 144,768
robyxhaus    Cherokee Rose
Jaims 339 robyxhaus Cherokee Rose 903,505,411 126,589
robyxhaus    Gold Standard
Mount Killmore 375 robyxhaus Gold Standard 848,754,783 127,789
robyxhaus    Shadow Assassins
Noarsil 387 robyxhaus Shadow Assassins 789,812,865 119,898
robyxhaus    Alien 👽 Kings
Greifental 412 robyxhaus Alien 👽 Kings 784,002,178 122,081
Rugnir 8397 robyxhaus 2,329,970 963