14821 rank

136,490 points

281 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Joe B Mao    13th Legion
Dunarsund 434 Joe B Mao 13th Legion 587,546,212 134,610
Joe B Mao    Just Me Playing
Brisgard 6466 Joe B Mao Just Me Playing 11,432,148 4,599
Joe B Mao    Patricians
Arvahall 9475 Joe B Mao Patricians 4,788,432 2,550
Joe B Mao    Empire of Thrones
Cirgard 10908 Joe B Mao Empire of Thrones 1,216,400 1,500
Joe B Mao   
Xyr 11995 Joe B Mao 728,661 3,424
Joe B Mao    Swaglife
East-Nagach 13229 Joe B Mao Swaglife 483,918 491
Joe B Mao   
Greifental 13006 Joe B Mao 387,546 351
Joe B Mao   
Fel Dranghyr 13633 Joe B Mao 345,638 431
Joe B Mao    Empire of Thrones
Sinerania 12589 Joe B Mao Empire of Thrones 325,411 1,217
Joe B Mao    Misguided Minds
Korch 14381 Joe B Mao Misguided Minds 216,100 367
Joe B Mao   
Noarsil 14821 Joe B Mao 136,490 281
Joe B Mao    Just Chillin
Jaims 16353 Joe B Mao Just Chillin 99,291 430