11249 rank

593,080 points

27 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LJ the Queen    relaxation
Noarsil 11249 LJ the Queen relaxation 593,080 27
Qunrir 14304 LJ the Queen SCHILDKROTE 164,002 7
LJ the Queen   
Rugnir 15216 LJ the Queen 112,599 4
LJ the Queen    3 simple Rules
Sinerania 15150 LJ the Queen 3 simple Rules 112,028 2
LJ the Queen    3 Simple Rules
Brisgard 22332 LJ the Queen 3 Simple Rules 35,965 7
LJ the Queen    having fun 1
Arvahall 24755 LJ the Queen having fun 1 35,166 7
LJ the Queen   
Vingrid 18435 LJ the Queen 34,758 5
LJ the Queen    Freedom Riders
Korch 19863 LJ the Queen Freedom Riders 25,930 8