2874 rank

67,416,580 points

14,410 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Retlaw the Strong    The Black Company!
Brisgard 2609 Retlaw the Strong The Black Company! 99,974,785 23,287
Retlaw the Strong    Mad Dogs
Houndsmoor 2555 Retlaw the Strong Mad Dogs 93,971,036 20,154
Retlaw the Strong    The Kraken Odyssey
East-Nagach 2947 Retlaw the Strong The Kraken Odyssey 78,578,495 20,592
Retlaw the Strong    DragonSlayer
Noarsil 2874 Retlaw the Strong DragonSlayer 67,416,580 14,410
Retlaw the Strong    Pegasus of V
Vingrid 2761 Retlaw the Strong Pegasus of V 67,362,724 15,858
Retlaw the Strong    🏈 “ BLAQ COBRA “🏈
Mount Killmore 3252 Retlaw the Strong 🏈 “ BLAQ COBRA “🏈 61,316,320 13,914
Retlaw the Strong    Infinity
Korch 3133 Retlaw the Strong Infinity 61,310,149 12,954
Retlaw the Strong    In This for Quests
Parkog 2906 Retlaw the Strong In This for Quests 58,803,730 11,482
Retlaw the Strong    Blue's Palace
Dunarsund 3497 Retlaw the Strong Blue's Palace 57,570,620 11,230