156 rank

1,555,566,833 points

388,987 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ceilidh the black    🔥 The Fire 🔥
Noarsil 156 Ceilidh the black 🔥 The Fire 🔥 1,555,566,833 388,987
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Yorkton 8714 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 1,868,737 2,126
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Walstrand 8579 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 1,603,852 2,143
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Vingrid 9372 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 1,422,533 2,055
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Zorskog 8845 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 1,359,675 2,313
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Xyr 10314 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 1,351,201 2,211
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Uceria 10061 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 992,686 1,456
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Tuulech 9835 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 903,810 1,462
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Birka 7280 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 866,186 606
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Angkor 9664 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 853,640 1,070
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Sinerania 10362 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 751,641 730
Ceilidh the black    Pyros of N
Carthage 5958 Ceilidh the black Pyros of N 717,109 650
Ceilidh the black    Wholesome Guys
Rugnir 11196 Ceilidh the black Wholesome Guys 558,526 284