4352 rank

22,944,308 points

30,367 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dy the Destroyer   
Dilmun 542 Dy the Destroyer 45,746,043 36,151
Dy the Destroyer   
Noarsil 4352 Dy the Destroyer 22,944,308 30,367
Dy the Destroyer    Diamond Farm
Fel Dranghyr 6302 Dy the Destroyer Diamond Farm 9,542,766 10,971
Dy the Destroyer   
Birka 8477 Dy the Destroyer 440,975 132
Dy the Destroyer    Purple Dynasty
Mount Killmore 16288 Dy the Destroyer Purple Dynasty 211,818 264
Dy the Destroyer    pirates cove
Houndsmoor 19930 Dy the Destroyer pirates cove 39,848 228