7998 rank

2,956,322 points

1,412 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Grimm the brave    1 O'Worst
Noarsil 7998 Grimm the brave 1 O'Worst 2,956,322 1,412
Grimm the brave    Knights Who Say Ni
Fel Dranghyr 10095 Grimm the brave Knights Who Say Ni 1,440,014 725
Grimm the brave    Wolves of Dilmun
Dilmun 4825 Grimm the brave Wolves of Dilmun 338,296 192
Grimm the brave    Biscuits n Gravy
Tuulech 13543 Grimm the brave Biscuits n Gravy 156,661 201
Grimm the brave   
Parkog 16888 Grimm the brave 42,720 73