6123 rank

9,379,522 points

2,906 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Charlermagne    Flamin Dragons!
Tuulech 5427 Charlermagne Flamin Dragons! 12,218,035 4,063
Charlermagne    Them vs Brooklyn
Vingrid 5581 Charlermagne Them vs Brooklyn 12,082,252 3,594
Charlermagne    Spirits of the Noble
Langendorn 6206 Charlermagne Spirits of the Noble 9,511,164 3,302
Charlermagne    Northwind Highlander
Noarsil 6123 Charlermagne Northwind Highlander 9,379,522 2,906
Charlermagne    Guildettes
Houndsmoor 7861 Charlermagne Guildettes 6,127,644 2,599