13068 rank

219,870 points

552 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roderic 1210 the Bold    Ikwarriors
Noarsil 13068 Roderic 1210 the Bold Ikwarriors 219,870 552
Roderic 1210 the Bold   
Brisgard 16959 Roderic 1210 the Bold 197,345 597
Roderic 1210 the Bold    Clan of the Bahr
Korch 14642 Roderic 1210 the Bold Clan of the Bahr 157,136 312
Roderic 1210 the Bold   
Cirgard 16212 Roderic 1210 the Bold 149,348 383
Roderic 1210 the Bold    One
Fel Dranghyr 16059 Roderic 1210 the Bold One 98,922 446