10292 rank

834,220 points

1,194 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
boldgekas123    Dragon Council
Noarsil 10292 boldgekas123 Dragon Council 834,220 1,194
boldgekas123    The Misfit Toys
Fel Dranghyr 11746 boldgekas123 The Misfit Toys 679,697 771
boldgekas123    dragons reach
Xyr 12075 boldgekas123 dragons reach 637,276 1,040
boldgekas123    Dose of qoods
Dunarsund 14099 boldgekas123 Dose of qoods 387,286 962
boldgekas123    Fun Guild
Korch 13086 boldgekas123 Fun Guild 309,944 620
boldgekas123    AS YOU WISH
Dilmun 5884 boldgekas123 AS YOU WISH 201,726 428