3633 rank

39,646,656 points

49,188 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rakulp    🦹‍♀️🎉Bourbon St.🥃
Noarsil 3633 Rakulp 🦹‍♀️🎉Bourbon St.🥃 39,646,656 49,188
Rakulp    Congregatim
Langendorn 3740 Rakulp Congregatim 36,969,801 53,741
Houndsmoor 5402 Rakulp 18,510,949 27,387
Rakulp    Dark Matter
Dilmun 1589 Rakulp Dark Matter 15,143,636 26,672
Rakulp    Freemen
Jaims 5454 Rakulp Freemen 14,310,629 24,234
Rakulp    Shady Goats
Xyr 6061 Rakulp Shady Goats 10,464,675 21,405
Rakulp    Jesus is Lord!
Parkog 5983 Rakulp Jesus is Lord! 9,200,294 20,773
Rakulp    It's a game, RELAX
Vingrid 6327 Rakulp It's a game, RELAX 7,985,297 15,847
Rakulp    Followers of Christ
Brisgard 9064 Rakulp Followers of Christ 4,728,556 6,952