9948 rank

1,010,320 points

1,276 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mighty joe 12   
Parkog 9625 mighty joe 12 1,067,772 1,217
mighty joe 12    The Guys of Noarsil
Noarsil 9948 mighty joe 12 The Guys of Noarsil 1,010,320 1,276
mighty joe 12    lick it up
Cirgard 11486 mighty joe 12 lick it up 979,088 1,618
mighty joe 12    FoEYoU
Xyr 11475 mighty joe 12 FoEYoU 847,657 1,181
mighty joe 12    Spooky Blue
Sinerania 10478 mighty joe 12 Spooky Blue 734,050 1,228
mighty joe 12   
Rugnir 10832 mighty joe 12 685,010 1,337
mighty joe 12    Trade Winds
Qunrir 13503 mighty joe 12 Trade Winds 176,054 466