15077 rank

91,974 points

145 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DubTheGreat82    Lions and Lambs
Korch 14641 DubTheGreat82 Lions and Lambs 164,540 265
DubTheGreat82    Lone Wolf Crew
Odhrorvar 14669 DubTheGreat82 Lone Wolf Crew 96,965 204
DubTheGreat82    DragonSlayer
Noarsil 15077 DubTheGreat82 DragonSlayer 91,974 145
DubTheGreat82    🐙 The Kraken 🐙
Sinerania 16528 DubTheGreat82 🐙 The Kraken 🐙 46,493 108
DubTheGreat82    V U L T U R E
Fel Dranghyr 19155 DubTheGreat82 V U L T U R E 30,845 107