5149 rank

15,095,428 points

4,751 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dorel2016    Raised Country
Korch 1580 dorel2016 Raised Country 160,454,189 20,554
dorel2016    Heart of Stone
Brisgard 2111 dorel2016 Heart of Stone 118,917,753 10,992
dorel2016    Old Skool Soldiers
Parkog 1878 dorel2016 Old Skool Soldiers 106,989,127 9,988
dorel2016    The Wet Phoenix's
Noarsil 5149 dorel2016 The Wet Phoenix's 15,095,428 4,751
dorel2016    LITTLEGIANTS
Qunrir 5284 dorel2016 LITTLEGIANTS 13,735,701 5,233
dorel2016    Whatever
Houndsmoor 7498 dorel2016 Whatever 6,645,775 4,108
dorel2016    The Unquiet Penguin
East-Nagach 7509 dorel2016 The Unquiet Penguin 6,582,649 4,626
dorel2016    Aquarian
Vingrid 7092 dorel2016 Aquarian 5,114,540 4,780
dorel2016    United City States
Walstrand 7760 dorel2016 United City States 2,553,897 3,016
dorel2016    Unlock the sky
Zorskog 8274 dorel2016 Unlock the sky 1,811,492 2,732