8486 rank

2,153,400 points

4,530 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bel the daring    The A-TEAM
Vingrid 22 Bel the daring The A-TEAM 2,632,859,281 583,982
Bel the daring    Back to the Future
Xyr 1009 Bel the daring Back to the Future 182,120,481 98,635
Bel the daring    Last Resort
Tuulech 1833 Bel the daring Last Resort 98,176,104 48,989
Bel the daring    B-Hive
Arvahall 10302 Bel the daring B-Hive 3,421,563 6,496
Bel the daring    No Rules Guild
Noarsil 8486 Bel the daring No Rules Guild 2,153,400 4,530
Bel the daring    The Dragon’s Den
Uceria 11258 Bel the daring The Dragon’s Den 635,773 864
Bel the daring    Diamond Farm
Rugnir 12483 Bel the daring Diamond Farm 360,571 906
Bel the daring    Free Ukraine-Go Wolo
Sinerania 12542 Bel the daring Free Ukraine-Go Wolo 332,553 678
Bel the daring    NoPayForDiamonds
Mount Killmore 15297 Bel the daring NoPayForDiamonds 315,456 439
Bel the daring    Lotus Motive
Dilmun 4780 Bel the daring Lotus Motive 256,693 571
Bel the daring   
Yorkton 13760 Bel the daring 227,932 423
Bel the daring   
Brisgard 22598 Bel the daring 32,982 32