Rank Name
1 Yayson
1 Yayson
2 Marcos 451
2 Marcos 451
3 Jandar0
3 Jandar0
4 mbrodzik
4 mbrodzik
5 tricia1980
5 tricia1980
6 Tim the Victor
6 Tim the Victor
7 Ionut01
7 Ionut01
8 Chiefjfp
8 Chiefjfp
9 Mike and Kathy
9 Mike and Kathy
10 Vortimer 1790 the Brash
10 Vortimer 1790 the Brash
11 Vykkr
11 Vykkr
12 David the Spear
12 David the Spear
13 Nendar
13 Nendar
14 Gannondorff
14 Gannondorff
15 Shanemt1969
15 Shanemt1969
16 Ahawkandan
16 Ahawkandan
17 Bizarrosaurus
17 Bizarrosaurus
18 Ryonian the Magnificent
18 Ryonian the Magnificent
19 Leprechaun99
19 Leprechaun99
20 Frederick 2845 the Noble
20 Frederick 2845 the Noble
21 Black Knight Iced
21 Black Knight Iced
22 leo35
22 leo35
23 Papa Pinz
23 Papa Pinz
24 MagicBiglu1
24 MagicBiglu1
25 Insenerator
25 Insenerator
26 Tjs116
26 Tjs116
27 theend80
27 theend80
28 syp2015
28 syp2015
29 vbruce
29 vbruce
31 cajunal
31 cajunal
32 Max im
32 Max im
33 jbriii
33 jbriii
35 killkenny1
35 killkenny1
36 Asgarv Anka
36 Asgarv Anka
37 FPAJack1333
37 FPAJack1333
38 Pippin 1257 the Lucky
38 Pippin 1257 the Lucky
39 Voodoo Ranger Adsfa
39 Voodoo Ranger Adsfa
40 Nero 1207 the Warrior
40 Nero 1207 the Warrior
41 Sir Pendragon
41 Sir Pendragon
42 Kesia Mae
42 Kesia Mae
43 KLbob222
43 KLbob222
44 Odelia12
44 Odelia12
45 Aden the conqueror
45 Aden the conqueror
46 zilladog23
46 zilladog23
47 Boggie123
47 Boggie123
48 sunrisejoshuareilly87
48 sunrisejoshuareilly87
49 Klayth
49 Klayth
50 Playnowwithfriends
50 Playnowwithfriends

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.