1958 rank

123,930,732 points

12,393 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Victoria the Great4    Pegasus of V
Vingrid 1533 Victoria the Great4 Pegasus of V 174,126,477 13,642
Victoria the Great4    Grey Moor
Brisgard 1769 Victoria the Great4 Grey Moor 172,305,774 13,685
Victoria the Great4    Big Fair O’ Trading
Odhrorvar 1958 Victoria the Great4 Big Fair O’ Trading 123,930,732 12,393
Victoria the Great4    Dragons_of_Stormborn
Walstrand 1824 Victoria the Great4 Dragons_of_Stormborn 115,296,890 9,647
Victoria the Great4    FreeSouls
Qunrir 3894 Victoria the Great4 FreeSouls 33,366,781 6,484
Victoria the Great4   
Yorkton 5072 Victoria the Great4 13,472,068 1,932
Victoria the Great4   
Sinerania 6733 Victoria the Great4 5,900,830 676