3795 rank

34,360,975 points

2,953 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kate of the Gate    Dwarven Happiness
East-Nagach 4108 Kate of the Gate Dwarven Happiness 37,611,012 3,079
Kate of the Gate    Arcãtheos
Dunarsund 4200 Kate of the Gate Arcãtheos 36,902,867 3,107
Kate of the Gate    KnightStalkers
Walstrand 3417 Kate of the Gate KnightStalkers 36,374,468 3,402
Kate of the Gate    Laid Back no pressor
Jaims 3799 Kate of the Gate Laid Back no pressor 36,156,137 3,304
Kate of the Gate    Lost in Translation
Odhrorvar 3795 Kate of the Gate Lost in Translation 34,360,975 2,953
Kate of the Gate    3 simple Rules
Houndsmoor 4319 Kate of the Gate 3 simple Rules 32,517,945 3,643
Kate of the Gate    Order of the Dragon
Vingrid 3847 Kate of the Gate Order of the Dragon 32,427,157 3,249
Kate of the Gate    copparscove
Yorkton 3625 Kate of the Gate copparscove 30,818,380 3,565