4236 rank

25,619,017 points

8,684 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kent owens    SMOKE
Dunarsund 3198 kent owens SMOKE 66,336,039 25,467
kent owens    Smoke
Greifental 3636 kent owens Smoke 44,307,044 10,483
kent owens    Requiem⚔️
Arvahall 4949 kent owens Requiem⚔️ 36,440,759 14,718
kent owens    The Ghost
Houndsmoor 4326 kent owens The Ghost 32,094,489 7,972
kent owens    diamond farmers
Odhrorvar 4236 kent owens diamond farmers 25,619,017 8,684
kent owens    Casper the Ghost
Noarsil 4827 kent owens Casper the Ghost 19,137,912 5,195