7603 rank

3,307,340 points

4,841 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jamie4321    Wynners' Guild
Vingrid 6852 Jamie4321 Wynners' Guild 5,247,340 5,382
Jamie4321    The Lions Den
Odhrorvar 7603 Jamie4321 The Lions Den 3,307,340 4,841
Jamie4321    !IDK!
Mount Killmore 10546 Jamie4321 !IDK! 1,657,486 3,397
Jamie4321    Forgeaholics
Rugnir 9930 Jamie4321 Forgeaholics 1,040,671 2,483
Jamie4321    Atlantis
East-Nagach 11956 Jamie4321 Atlantis 779,028 2,352
Jamie4321    Apocalyptic Knights
Dunarsund 14964 Jamie4321 Apocalyptic Knights 313,082 1,421