1387 rank

205,473,056 points

36,512 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Igor the Instigator    Rebel Lords
Yorkton 1034 Igor the Instigator Rebel Lords 253,183,078 40,191
Igor the Instigator    Raiding Traders
Sinerania 1194 Igor the Instigator Raiding Traders 247,044,550 40,342
Igor the Instigator    Sidekicks
Zorskog 877 Igor the Instigator Sidekicks 239,314,701 40,043
Igor the Instigator    Casual Elders
Houndsmoor 1330 Igor the Instigator Casual Elders 238,090,042 34,948
Igor the Instigator    Dragon Force
Odhrorvar 1387 Igor the Instigator Dragon Force 205,473,056 36,512