2751 rank

66,798,362 points

85,084 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iris 1117 the Sly    Warmongers
Cirgard 487 Iris 1117 the Sly Warmongers 715,485,100 284,144
Iris 1117 the Sly    🩸Wounded Warriors🩸
Noarsil 860 Iris 1117 the Sly 🩸Wounded Warriors🩸 353,225,433 186,762
Iris 1117 the Sly    The Big Lebowski
Houndsmoor 1399 Iris 1117 the Sly The Big Lebowski 222,253,902 127,747
Iris 1117 the Sly    Black Rose
Zorskog 970 Iris 1117 the Sly Black Rose 206,442,460 121,461
Iris 1117 the Sly    King of Fair Trades
Xyr 1167 Iris 1117 the Sly King of Fair Trades 200,680,924 125,146
Iris 1117 the Sly    Ad Astra
Odhrorvar 2751 Iris 1117 the Sly Ad Astra 66,798,362 85,084
Iris 1117 the Sly    🐬 High RiVal 🐬
Yorkton 2471 Iris 1117 the Sly 🐬 High RiVal 🐬 66,615,960 80,871
Iris 1117 the Sly    Legion of Wolves
Carthage 1175 Iris 1117 the Sly Legion of Wolves 40,379,806 46,390