6466 rank

7,346,552 points

6,097 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ferdinand 1582 the Wise    Journeys End
Odhrorvar 6466 Ferdinand 1582 the Wise Journeys End 7,346,552 6,097
Ferdinand 1582 the Wise    Mountain Knights
Mount Killmore 10643 Ferdinand 1582 the Wise Mountain Knights 1,638,138 1,558
Ferdinand 1582 the Wise    Dragon Ryders
Houndsmoor 10455 Ferdinand 1582 the Wise Dragon Ryders 1,583,547 1,162
Ferdinand 1582 the Wise    Lazy Daze
Cirgard 10508 Ferdinand 1582 the Wise Lazy Daze 1,488,663 1,338
Ferdinand 1582 the Wise    Evergreen
Tuulech 10292 Ferdinand 1582 the Wise Evergreen 719,265 867