10315 rank

826,818 points

1,740 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thorvald the 1st    River of Oblivion
Uceria 6614 Thorvald the 1st River of Oblivion 6,532,681 8,293
Thorvald the 1st    Britches & Hose
Jaims 8997 Thorvald the 1st Britches & Hose 2,093,113 3,552
Thorvald the 1st    Britches & Hose
Noarsil 8556 Thorvald the 1st Britches & Hose 2,074,765 5,039
Thorvald the 1st    Britches & Hose
Odhrorvar 10315 Thorvald the 1st Britches & Hose 826,818 1,740
Thorvald the 1st    Britches & Hose
Xyr 12183 Thorvald the 1st Britches & Hose 675,469 1,230
Thorvald the 1st    Britches & Hose
Qunrir 11751 Thorvald the 1st Britches & Hose 481,429 1,226