2315 rank

96,639,066 points

55,444 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Danae 1175 the Scourge    The Black Fleet
Vingrid 620 Danae 1175 the Scourge The Black Fleet 560,361,765 118,331
Danae 1175 the Scourge    Casual Players Only
Arvahall 2222 Danae 1175 the Scourge Casual Players Only 157,435,437 78,875
Danae 1175 the Scourge    The Bar & Grill
Angkor 1286 Danae 1175 the Scourge The Bar & Grill 149,053,740 64,303
Danae 1175 the Scourge    Clan of the Mist
Odhrorvar 2315 Danae 1175 the Scourge Clan of the Mist 96,639,066 55,444