9187 rank

1,402,195 points

1,739 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Haelga the Anxious    Goaty McGoatface
Arvahall 4726 Haelga the Anxious Goaty McGoatface 41,850,662 29,467
Haelga the Anxious    DingoBaby
Odhrorvar 9187 Haelga the Anxious DingoBaby 1,402,195 1,739
Haelga the Anxious    Thnake
Cirgard 10719 Haelga the Anxious Thnake 1,389,122 1,898
Haelga the Anxious    Blegh
Vingrid 9495 Haelga the Anxious Blegh 1,359,929 1,716
Haelga the Anxious    Swamp Song
East-Nagach 10773 Haelga the Anxious Swamp Song 1,288,301 1,098