14491 rank

99,555 points

140 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Scott the first    DILLIGAF
Arvahall 14596 Scott the first DILLIGAF 787,453 580
Scott the first   
Houndsmoor 14708 Scott the first 270,813 253
Scott the first    4th Roman Empire
Cirgard 15043 Scott the first 4th Roman Empire 239,582 278
Scott the first    Ye Great
Langendorn 13578 Scott the first Ye Great 188,315 222
Scott the first    Pirates Forever
Jaims 14363 Scott the first Pirates Forever 176,336 184
Scott the first    Steeler-Nation
Mount Killmore 17757 Scott the first Steeler-Nation 108,243 151
Scott the first    THUNDER
Noarsil 14729 Scott the first THUNDER 102,355 166
Scott the first    Team Israel
Odhrorvar 14491 Scott the first Team Israel 99,555 140