5225 rank

12,395,408 points

1,854 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rick 27 the Wise   
Zorskog 299 Rick 27 the Wise 532,667,726 115,085
Rick 27 the Wise   
Dilmun 263 Rick 27 the Wise 74,052,801 42,888
Rick 27 the Wise    Mjolnir
Odhrorvar 5225 Rick 27 the Wise Mjolnir 12,395,408 1,854
Rick 27 the Wise   
Dunarsund 7736 Rick 27 the Wise 5,995,510 2,147
Rick 27 the Wise    Poke
Birka 6735 Rick 27 the Wise Poke 1,026,828 1,340
Rick 27 the Wise    The Nothing
Angkor 13053 Rick 27 the Wise The Nothing 216,628 483