14341 rank

107,944 points

671 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Griff27    The Ivory Rose
Xyr 477 Griff27 The Ivory Rose 557,723,157 153,929
Griff27    The Ivory Rose
Arvahall 3768 Griff27 The Ivory Rose 67,086,810 23,255
Birka 3409 Griff27 12,602,250 10,437
Griff27    Ivory Rose
Qunrir 9208 Griff27 Ivory Rose 1,489,694 912
Griff27    Ivory Rose
Jaims 10356 Griff27 Ivory Rose 1,062,196 1,305
Griff27    no rule imposed
Odhrorvar 14341 Griff27 no rule imposed 107,944 671
Griff27    just for fun
Parkog 16367 Griff27 just for fun 46,043 86