555 rank

561,767,525 points

131,421 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BillyCage    Impending Cataclysm
Odhrorvar 555 BillyCage Impending Cataclysm 561,767,525 131,421
BillyCage    Reign of Terror
Mount Killmore 8127 BillyCage Reign of Terror 5,681,113 3,072
BillyCage    Que World
Qunrir 7166 BillyCage Que World 5,036,345 2,057
BillyCage    Gotham City
Jaims 7561 BillyCage Gotham City 4,968,526 2,092
BillyCage    Not Sure
Korch 7758 BillyCage Not Sure 4,308,545 2,086
BillyCage    Lost Dutchman
Langendorn 7766 BillyCage Lost Dutchman 3,923,261 1,926
BillyCage    Holy Grail
Sinerania 8330 BillyCage Holy Grail 2,175,222 2,140
BillyCage    Almost Heaven
Houndsmoor 10740 BillyCage Almost Heaven 1,390,091 1,970
BillyCage    BRD's Hangout
Vingrid 9971 BillyCage BRD's Hangout 1,068,247 1,670