8540 rank

1,969,878 points

2,389 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CDN warspite    Subbasement Dwellers
Arvahall 2516 CDN warspite Subbasement Dwellers 127,805,397 26,424
CDN warspite    DramaFree
East-Nagach 9353 CDN warspite DramaFree 2,594,452 4,137
CDN warspite    Pilgrim's Progress
Odhrorvar 8540 CDN warspite Pilgrim's Progress 1,969,878 2,389
CDN warspite    Quiet and Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 11822 CDN warspite Quiet and Peaceful 652,947 1,708
CDN warspite    [placeholder]
Greifental 15675 CDN warspite [placeholder] 96,061 303