273 rank

1,104,656,051 points

187,115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Severus the Daring    White Knights of War
Odhrorvar 273 Severus the Daring White Knights of War 1,104,656,051 187,115
Severus the Daring    Mystery of Serenity
Zorskog 2376 Severus the Daring Mystery of Serenity 62,299,134 15,667
Severus the Daring    Mystery of Serenity
Mount Killmore 7741 Severus the Daring Mystery of Serenity 6,905,079 7,001
Severus the Daring    Mystery of Serenity
Walstrand 15505 Severus the Daring Mystery of Serenity 56,598 90