4279 rank

20,335,538 points

8,145 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Morgoth the Merciless    47 Ronin
Rugnir 1653 Morgoth the Merciless 47 Ronin 112,353,196 11,610
Morgoth the Merciless    LetsJustPlay
Vingrid 2485 Morgoth the Merciless LetsJustPlay 59,920,787 9,601
Morgoth the Merciless    Legend Legacy
Angkor 2947 Morgoth the Merciless Legend Legacy 26,725,772 8,112
Morgoth the Merciless    Mordor
Jaims 4274 Morgoth the Merciless Mordor 22,139,930 8,787
Morgoth the Merciless    Taureans Logic
Odhrorvar 4279 Morgoth the Merciless Taureans Logic 20,335,538 8,145