6493 rank

6,920,573 points

1,873 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jimmy the Boozehound    The Boozehounds
Tuulech 804 Jimmy the Boozehound The Boozehounds 323,288,057 73,000
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Langendorn 6463 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 7,659,840 1,938
Jimmy the Boozehound    Diamond Farms
Odhrorvar 6493 Jimmy the Boozehound Diamond Farms 6,920,573 1,873
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Sinerania 6407 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 6,798,099 1,774
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Uceria 6739 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 6,592,472 1,875
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Greifental 7400 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 5,685,364 1,622
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Mount Killmore 8023 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 5,629,379 1,671
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Brisgard 8695 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 5,232,669 1,536
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Xyr 8247 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 3,633,582 1,479
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Zorskog 7702 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 2,477,060 1,659
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farms
Dunarsund 9755 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farms 2,401,833 1,167
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Walstrand 7953 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 2,275,971 1,451
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Angkor 7710 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 2,211,516 1,461
Jimmy the Boozehound    Diamond Farmers
Yorkton 8561 Jimmy the Boozehound Diamond Farmers 1,923,182 1,332
Jimmy the Boozehound    Wishing Well Farmers
Korch 9278 Jimmy the Boozehound Wishing Well Farmers 1,794,183 1,251
Jimmy the Boozehound    Badass Pilates
Arvahall 12300 Jimmy the Boozehound Badass Pilates 1,697,946 1,107
Jimmy the Boozehound   
Fel Dranghyr 10979 Jimmy the Boozehound 952,699 812