6330 rank

7,948,851 points

2,613 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
William 153 the Proud    Rebel Pilots
East-Nagach 5322 William 153 the Proud Rebel Pilots 20,466,246 3,553
William 153 the Proud    Knights of Columbus
Cirgard 6265 William 153 the Proud Knights of Columbus 11,947,594 2,441
William 153 the Proud    Alliance of LOD
Brisgard 7107 William 153 the Proud Alliance of LOD 11,001,806 2,668
William 153 the Proud    Parallel Solace
Dunarsund 6857 William 153 the Proud Parallel Solace 10,342,291 2,222
William 153 the Proud    Roman Empire
Odhrorvar 6330 William 153 the Proud Roman Empire 7,948,851 2,613