5217 rank

14,861,138 points

3,782 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
achilles777    Dances With Cats
Korch 4105 achilles777 Dances With Cats 32,993,230 5,668
achilles777    Guardians of Trikru
Vingrid 3884 achilles777 Guardians of Trikru 32,280,068 5,144
achilles777    Helping Others
Langendorn 4262 achilles777 Helping Others 27,682,294 5,622
achilles777    No. 1 FOE Guild
Cirgard 4789 achilles777 No. 1 FOE Guild 25,146,595 5,510
achilles777    Nefarious Saints
Sinerania 4339 achilles777 Nefarious Saints 23,421,009 4,511
achilles777    Lady of the Lake
Odhrorvar 5217 achilles777 Lady of the Lake 14,861,138 3,782