12119 rank

374,252 points

302 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bigtree3329    Tough Love
Arvahall 12008 Bigtree3329 Tough Love 1,761,951 778
Bigtree3329    The Players
Cirgard 10263 Bigtree3329 The Players 1,602,980 947
Bigtree3329    True Patriots
Brisgard 11339 Bigtree3329 True Patriots 1,487,411 595
Bigtree3329    Rogue Pride
Dunarsund 11459 Bigtree3329 Rogue Pride 1,102,948 589
Bigtree3329    Majestic Warriors
East-Nagach 12041 Bigtree3329 Majestic Warriors 754,853 454
Bigtree3329    ☆Legion of Warriors☆
Fel Dranghyr 11725 Bigtree3329 ☆Legion of Warriors☆ 732,124 588
Bigtree3329    Profitiers
Jaims 11771 Bigtree3329 Profitiers 618,687 439
Bigtree3329    Legion of Reckoning
Greifental 11959 Bigtree3329 Legion of Reckoning 588,725 436
Bigtree3329    HUMANPHOENIX
Houndsmoor 13039 Bigtree3329 HUMANPHOENIX 564,147 382
Bigtree3329    Wytches Brew
Korch 12194 Bigtree3329 Wytches Brew 502,434 427
Tuulech 11337 Bigtree3329 489,438 433
Bigtree3329    Drizzs Coalition
Parkog 11840 Bigtree3329 Drizzs Coalition 411,348 279
Bigtree3329    Beer
Mount Killmore 14582 Bigtree3329 Beer 396,623 336
Bigtree3329    Catch22
Noarsil 12223 Bigtree3329 Catch22 393,957 277
Bigtree3329    Mjolnir
Odhrorvar 12119 Bigtree3329 Mjolnir 374,252 302
Bigtree3329    The Eagles
Uceria 12589 Bigtree3329 The Eagles 358,594 328
Bigtree3329    Knights of The Wall
Langendorn 12643 Bigtree3329 Knights of The Wall 358,412 248
Bigtree3329    Liberators
Qunrir 12760 Bigtree3329 Liberators 313,309 270
Bigtree3329    The Night's Watch
Sinerania 12769 Bigtree3329 The Night's Watch 304,282 242
Bigtree3329    Rush
Rugnir 12974 Bigtree3329 Rush 295,117 292
Bigtree3329    riders on the storm
Vingrid 14101 Bigtree3329 riders on the storm 192,715 322
Bigtree3329    GreatBuilders
Walstrand 14268 Bigtree3329 GreatBuilders 133,309 217