6416 rank

7,539,464 points

5,928 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
October2024    Random Glitch
Yorkton 613 October2024 Random Glitch 489,493,417 210,344
October2024    Allies of Zendikar
Cirgard 3589 October2024 Allies of Zendikar 47,617,307 41,084
October2024    Singularity
Korch 4011 October2024 Singularity 33,949,663 30,586
October2024    Divergence
Vingrid 3842 October2024 Divergence 32,602,684 28,668
October2024    KHEDIVE
Angkor 3154 October2024 KHEDIVE 31,969,266 27,166
October2024    Infinity
Carthage 1443 October2024 Infinity 30,616,132 29,459
October2024    The Rabbit Hole
Houndsmoor 5126 October2024 The Rabbit Hole 21,489,824 21,122
October2024    Deliverance
Dilmun 1538 October2024 Deliverance 16,714,800 13,691
October2024    Braveheart
Odhrorvar 6416 October2024 Braveheart 7,539,464 5,928
October2024    Phoenix Rising
Walstrand 6648 October2024 Phoenix Rising 5,512,093 4,457
October2024    Motley Forgin' Fools
Fel Dranghyr 16759 October2024 Motley Forgin' Fools 72,991 220