13084 rank

203,771 points

601 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lemueltheonleywon    Arch Heros
Noarsil 10884 Lemueltheonleywon Arch Heros 634,423 1,242
Lemueltheonleywon    Celtic Warlords
Birka 8997 Lemueltheonleywon Celtic Warlords 370,328 771
Lemueltheonleywon    My Quest
Fel Dranghyr 13375 Lemueltheonleywon My Quest 337,723 841
Lemueltheonleywon    Revolting Villagers
Brisgard 15687 Lemueltheonleywon Revolting Villagers 328,215 822
Lemueltheonleywon    The Mystics
Dunarsund 14703 Lemueltheonleywon The Mystics 310,831 828
Lemueltheonleywon    For everyone
Arvahall 17567 Lemueltheonleywon For everyone 304,435 904
Lemueltheonleywon    The Apaches
Tuulech 12207 Lemueltheonleywon The Apaches 280,865 645
Lemueltheonleywon    Knights of Almar
Greifental 13965 Lemueltheonleywon Knights of Almar 221,548 509
Lemueltheonleywon    Easy Going
Odhrorvar 13084 Lemueltheonleywon Easy Going 203,771 601
Lemueltheonleywon    Blue Moon
Walstrand 12935 Lemueltheonleywon Blue Moon 187,835 593
Lemueltheonleywon    Happy Guild
Qunrir 13378 Lemueltheonleywon Happy Guild 186,087 735