15693 rank

57,596 points

355 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
matoowarrior    Golden Spear Clan
Cirgard 16985 matoowarrior Golden Spear Clan 107,585 237
Noarsil 14858 matoowarrior 94,751 41
East-Nagach 16768 matoowarrior 93,289 410
Fel Dranghyr 16363 matoowarrior 90,688 322
Zorskog 15081 matoowarrior 78,491 299
Yorkton 16121 matoowarrior 74,367 47
Rugnir 15611 matoowarrior 71,293 266
matoowarrior    matoonation
Langendorn 15775 matoowarrior matoonation 69,943 307
Sinerania 15612 matoowarrior 65,684 64
matoowarrior    Land fo Dragons
Arvahall 22150 matoowarrior Land fo Dragons 64,247 290
matoowarrior    Beowulves
Xyr 18000 matoowarrior Beowulves 63,208 315
matoowarrior    King of the North
Qunrir 15922 matoowarrior King of the North 57,980 296
matoowarrior    Arm of the warrior
Odhrorvar 15693 matoowarrior Arm of the warrior 57,596 355
matoowarrior    THUNDER BOLT
Jaims 16960 matoowarrior THUNDER BOLT 54,414 37
matoowarrior    WAKANDA
Parkog 16032 matoowarrior WAKANDA 52,588 37
matoowarrior    Way of the Warrior
Houndsmoor 18906 matoowarrior Way of the Warrior 49,289 315
matoowarrior    WAKANDA
Mount Killmore 20013 matoowarrior WAKANDA 49,035 32
matoowarrior    DARK POWER!
Vingrid 16780 matoowarrior DARK POWER! 48,140 44
matoowarrior    warriors way
Carthage 12110 matoowarrior warriors way 43,730 306