12055 rank

384,399 points

515 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
timg1212    wolf warriors
Arvahall 14718 timg1212 wolf warriors 744,552 729
timg1212    Servant Kings 1
Carthage 5522 timg1212 Servant Kings 1 619,774 657
timg1212    Age's Of Time
Vingrid 11716 timg1212 Age's Of Time 520,168 624
timg1212    The cool archers
Zorskog 11241 timg1212 The cool archers 463,134 608
timg1212    For fun
Odhrorvar 12055 timg1212 For fun 384,399 515
timg1212    Just play
Mount Killmore 15844 timg1212 Just play 262,713 449
timg1212    Guns and Roses
Uceria 13553 timg1212 Guns and Roses 237,531 384
timg1212    Phoenix Fury
Dunarsund 15785 timg1212 Phoenix Fury 230,849 438
timg1212    Draconis Kombinieren
Tuulech 13445 timg1212 Draconis Kombinieren 192,320 396
timg1212    Ratchet and Clank
Jaims 14746 timg1212 Ratchet and Clank 189,339 362
timg1212    Wapititty
Brisgard 17558 timg1212 Wapititty 184,427 337
timg1212    United Nations1
Noarsil 14095 timg1212 United Nations1 183,150 359
timg1212    Fields of Valhalla
Parkog 13947 timg1212 Fields of Valhalla 172,128 346
timg1212    UNITY
Langendorn 14378 timg1212 UNITY 169,164 302
timg1212    Lionheart
Greifental 15221 timg1212 Lionheart 157,326 300
timg1212    Pheonix Fire
Houndsmoor 16837 timg1212 Pheonix Fire 144,068 356
timg1212    The Bat Cave
Qunrir 16400 timg1212 The Bat Cave 67,872 189
timg1212    Lotus Motive
Dilmun 7437 timg1212 Lotus Motive 34,836 117