13817 rank

148,040 points

70 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
beorn the old    DJT45
East-Nagach 15767 beorn the old DJT45 151,322 63
beorn the old   
Odhrorvar 13817 beorn the old 148,040 70
beorn the old    RoundTable
Vingrid 14764 beorn the old RoundTable 121,920 80
beorn the old    The Revengers
Brisgard 18801 beorn the old The Revengers 102,100 41
beorn the old    Knights Who Say Ni
Rugnir 14862 beorn the old Knights Who Say Ni 101,917 60
beorn the old    Cowboy Up
Langendorn 15695 beorn the old Cowboy Up 77,851 55
beorn the old   
Birka 12542 beorn the old 58,476 41
beorn the old    New Players Guild
Houndsmoor 18584 beorn the old New Players Guild 57,721 55
beorn the old   
Arvahall 22848 beorn the old 53,345 42